Abyssal plain

These are the deepest ecosystem type in South Africa’s oceans. South Africa’s EEZ does not have deep water trenches, such as the famous Mariana trench that reaches a maximum depth of 13 000 m! Our abyssal ecosystems, spanning a depth range of 3500 to 6000 m, are largely unexplored. However, in the 1980’s, one of South Africa’s most adventurous geologists, Professor John Roger, took the first photographs of abyssal and seamount ecosystems using a camera in a special underwater housing.

Abyssal ecosystems in South Africa are currently under limited pressure but geoscientists are interested in exploring these areas for petroleum resources and deep sea minerals such as manganese. Should such minerals be found in sufficient quantities, pressure on these ecosystems will increase substantially.

Proposed MPAs that represent abyssal ecosystems include Southeast Atlantic Seamounts MPA (Cape Basin Abyss) and Agulhas Front MPA (Agulhas Basin Abyss). Southwest Indian Ocean abyssal ecosystems (Natal Basin) will be considered in future protected area planning.






iconic species
